Narrative + Branding
Naya approached us to help tell the story of what they are doing overseas. For the sake of their safety, the location will not be disclosed. But, this missionary is purchasing young girls out of sex slavery and giving them a new home, education, and for as long as many of them can remember, safety. Naya is funded by the generosity of many who see the value of people being treated as such– loved and known.
Challenges & Approach
Anonymity. Naya can only exist because this missionary is kept a secret. In the places he goes, he would at the least be arrested and at the most, be killed.
The result
The money that has come into Naya has allowed this missionary to go back for many additional trips. He has purchased the freedom of many more girls, now leases a home where they are supported with counseling, education, and the message of the Gospel.